Beauty routines in summer


The exhausting summer is showing no signs of relenting and the sweat due to this season are sure to bring with a number of skin issues such as rashes and break outs.

There’s no escaping the summer tan either as that can sometime  happen even if you are indoors. To add more to this,  the pandemic stress wrecking havoc on sleep and meal times .

So, here are some of the habits that can help you to beat this summer issues. 

  • Get rid of the heavy face creams , instead of that start using the gel based light creams.
  • Never miss to apply sunscreen lotion ,make sure that it has SPF. For dry skin , try out light creams.
  • Don’t miss to remove the makeup at the end of the day,  so that the pores are left clogged. 
  • Cleaned the face twice or thrice a day.
  •  use the home made gentle scrubs once inna week to get rid of dead skin and dirt.
  • Gently rub ice cubes over the face in circular motion to help close the opened pores .you can even try splashing the face with cold water in the morning as this technique is even tried by famous actress Katrina kaif.
  • Hydration is the most important way to keep the skin health. Keep drinking water as much as u can.
  • Always use a homemade Facepack and scrubs instead of going for the chemical based products.


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