Voldemort, also known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, is widely considered to be the meanest character in the Harry Potter series. He was the overarching villain of the entire series, and his despicable plan to rid the Wizarding World of “Mudbloods” began a decades-long fight. Voldemort cared for nothing and no one but himself, and his greatest wish was for people to fear him above all else.

Voldemort was a powerful dark wizard who was feared by many. He was born to a Muggle father and a witch mother, and his mother died shortly after his birth. He was raised in an orphanage, and he eventually became a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was an exceptionally talented student, and he was known for his ambition and cruelty. He was determined to become the most powerful wizard in the world, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goal.

Voldemort was known for his callousness and lack of empathy. He was willing to do anything to achieve his goals, including killing innocent people. He was also known for his cruelty and his lack of remorse for his actions. He was a master manipulator, and he was able to manipulate people into doing his bidding. He was also known for his disregard for the laws of the Wizarding World, and he was willing to break any law to get what he wanted.

Voldemort was a powerful dark wizard who was feared by many. He was the main antagonist of the Harry Potter series, and his despicable plan to rid the Wizarding World of “Mudbloods” began a decades-long fight. Voldemort cared for nothing and no one but himself, and his greatest wish was for people to fear him above all else. He was a master manipulator, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. He was known for his callousness and lack of empathy, and his disregard for the laws of the Wizarding World. Voldemort was undoubtedly the meanest character in the Harry Potter series, and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

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