Kanupriya Agarwal is the first Indian test tube baby, born on October 3, 1978. She was the result of a successful In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure, a revolutionary medical breakthrough that changed the lives of many couples struggling with infertility.
Kanupriya’s birth was made possible by the pioneering work of Dr Subhash Mukherjee, an Indian gynecologist and infertility specialist. He was the first-ever person in India and the second in the world to create a baby through the IVF procedure.
Dr Mukherjee’s work began in the late 1970s, when he started experimenting with IVF on animals. After successfully creating a baby goat through IVF, he moved on to human trials. In 1978, he performed the first successful IVF procedure on a woman in India. The woman, Rajo Devi, gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Kanupriya Agarwal.
Kanupriya’s birth was a major milestone in the field of infertility treatment. It opened the door for couples struggling with infertility to have a chance at parenthood. Since then, IVF has become a widely accepted and successful treatment for infertility.
Kanupriya is now an adult and is married with two children of her own. She has become a symbol of hope for many couples who are unable to conceive naturally. Her story is a testament to the power of modern medicine and the potential of IVF to give couples the joy of parenthood.
Kanupriya Agarwal will always be remembered as India’s first test tube baby and a symbol of hope for couples struggling with infertility. Her birth was made possible by the pioneering work of Dr Subhash Mukherjee, who opened the door for many couples to experience the joy of parenthood.