Jim and Pam, two of the most beloved characters from the hit TV show The Office, have been an iconic couple since the show’s inception. Fans of the show have been rooting for them since the beginning, and were thrilled when they finally got married and had two children.

Jim and Pam, played by John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer, respectively, first met while working together at Dunder Mifflin. After a long and tumultuous courtship, the two finally tied the knot in the sixth season of the show. They then went on to have two children, a daughter named Cecelia, affectionately known as “Cece”, and a son, Phillip.

Cece was born in the seventh season of the show, and Phillip was born in the ninth season. The couple has been raising their two children ever since, and fans of the show have been able to watch them grow up throughout the series.

Jim and Pam’s two children have been a source of joy for the couple, and for fans of the show. The two have been an iconic couple since the show’s inception, and their two children have only added to the love and admiration that fans have for them.

The couple’s two children have also been a source of inspiration for fans of the show. They have shown that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, true love can still prevail. Jim and Pam’s two children are a testament to the power of love, and a reminder that even in the toughest of times, there is still hope.