Who started football on earth?

Football, one of the most popular sports in the world, has a long and varied history. While it is widely believed that the game was first formalized in England in the 19th century, its roots can be traced back much further, to the third century B.C. in China.

In ancient China, a game called Cuju was played by kicking a leather ball into a small net. This game was a popular pastime for the military, and was even used as a training exercise for soldiers. The game was played on a rectangular field, with two teams of 12 players each. The goal was to kick the ball into the net, and the team with the most goals at the end of the game was declared the winner.

The game of Cuju eventually spread to other parts of Asia, and eventually to Europe. In the Middle Ages, a similar game called “harpastum” was played in Italy. This game was similar to Cuju, but with some modifications. The ball was made of a harder material, and the goals were larger. The game was also played on a larger field, with teams of up to 30 players.

The game of harpastum eventually spread to England, where it was known as “football”. This game was played on a large field, with two teams of up to 50 players. The rules of the game were similar to those of harpastum, but with some modifications. The ball was made of a harder material, and the goals were larger. The game was also played with a referee, and the team with the most goals at the end of the game was declared the winner.

In the 19th century, the game of football was formalized in England. The Football Association was formed in 1863, and the rules of the game were codified. The game was also standardized, with teams of 11 players each, and a field that was marked with lines. The goal of the game was also changed, with the team that scored the most goals at the end of the game declared the winner.

Since then, the game of football has evolved and spread around the world. It is now one of the most popular sports in the world, with millions of people playing it in countries all over the world. The game has also seen numerous changes over the years, with new rules and regulations being introduced.

Today, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is played in countries all over the world, and is enjoyed by millions of people. While the game has its roots in ancient China, it was formalized in England in the 19th century, and has since spread around the world. It is a game that is enjoyed by people of all ages, and is sure to remain popular for many years to come.

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