Anime series have been around for decades, and some of them have become incredibly popular While there are many different anime series, there are two that stand out as the longest running series These two series are Kirin Monoshiri Series and Doraemon
Kirin Monoshiri Series is the longest running anime series, with a total count of 5,928 episodes The series follows the adventures of a young girl named Kirin, who is sent to a magical world where she must learn to use her powers to save the world The series is known for its beautiful animation and unique characters
Doraemon is the second longest running anime series, with a total count of 3,070 episodes The series follows the adventures of a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels through time and space to help people in need The series is known for its humorous and heartwarming stories
Sazae-san is the third longest running anime series, with a total count of 2,640+ episodes The series follows the everyday life of a family living in a small town in Japan The series is known for its charming characters and slice-of-life stories
Nintama Rantarō is the fourth longest running anime series, with a total count of 2,202 episodes The series follows the adventures of a group of young ninjas as they learn the art of ninjutsu and fight evil forces The series is known for its action-packed stories and unique characters
There are many other long-running anime series, such as Detective Conan, One Piece, and Dragon Ball These series have been around for decades and have become incredibly popular
Anime series have become incredibly popular over the years, and it’s no surprise that some of them have become incredibly long-running While there are many different anime series, Kirin Monoshiri Series and Doraemon stand out as the two longest running series These two series have captivated audiences for decades and will continue to do so for many years to come